Care Tips
How durable is it?
Durability depends exclusively on the way and frequency of use of the product, laces and tops are products that require maintenance such as hair replacement, hydration, cutting and finishing care to achieve the desired finish.
How should I wash the lace or top?
Washing must be carried out with salt-free shampoo and conditioner, after washing, let it dry naturally and finish with a straightener at the indicated temperature. The straightener can be done 4 fingers below the roots, when the piece is human, and only at the ends when it is made of fiber. For wavy effects, make two buns and leave for 1 hour, or use a curling iron.
At what interval should I wash the lace?
Fiber and human items should ideally be washed once or twice a week if used daily. For sporadic use, washing should occur when you feel that your hair is dirty and without movement.
Does Lace dry out over time?
Yes, all hair dries out over time, after removal from the human body there is a loss of vitamin replacement, over time, the care is pale to keep the hair beautiful. The Fibers do not dry out the roots, but the ends thicken, which thin out again when straightening.
Can I go into the sea or pool?
No, the laces are not recommended for contact with salt, to avoid extreme dryness. The sea and chlorine have high levels of salt, in this sense the salt can cause the thread to shrink and lose the lace. For use in this situation, it is recommended to make a high bun with plenty of cream to protect the hair in case it comes into contact with chlorinated or salt water. This process is valid for fiber and human laces.
Like which cream to hydrate?
Hydration can be done with creams that do not contain salt or sodium, normally the cheapest lines that are salt-free are suitable for this purpose, expensive professional lines are not always the best option, as some of them have compounds that open the cuticle too much to capture hydration. , preventing it from being reconstituted after washing in fiber and human parts.
How to revitalize your blonde or red hair tone?
Follow the same washing process as indicated, but conditioning can be replaced by tinting.
What is tinting?
It is to use on the human hair, products that contain pigments to revitalize the color.
How to do the tinting?
Tinting must be done with conditioning tints. To avoid staining your hair, you need to dilute 1 ladle of tint in 1 liter of water in a bowl, make sure it is diluted evenly, so that there are no concentrated balls of tint left in the water. The hair must be washed, wrung out and untangled, after which it must be dipped in the water in the bowl several times so that the coloring reaches its entire length equally. After that, leave it immersed in the bowl for 5 minutes, and then rinse and carry out the finishing process indicated in the topic on how to wash.
Can I dye Lace?
For human parts, it depends on the dryness stage of the thread, hydrogen peroxide on very dry threads over time can cause thread shrinkage and loss of the lace. The ideal is to consult a professional. Fiber pieces do not take dye.
Can I bleach Lace?
No, the pieces are already sold in their maximum discoloration tone in each color category, so they cannot be discolored to avoid damage.
Can I do a shine bath?
Yes, however, if hydrogen peroxide is used, categories of 5 or 6 volumes must be used.
Can I use a hairdryer?
Yes, however, in the case of human lace, the hair will be very thick and it will be more difficult to finish it with a straightener. Fiber Laces can be dried in the dryer, as they do not curl the roots, but they must be finished at the ends with a straightener.
Can I use a straightener?
It will look more beautiful when finished, in addition to improving durability, as heat-sealed thread tangles less, causing less shedding. This process is valid for both fiber and humans, just respect the indicated temperature.
Can I do progressive?
In human parts, it depends on the dryness stage of the strand, anti-residue shampoo from progressives when used on very dry lace, can cause the strand to shrink and lose the lace. The ideal is to consult a professional. Fiber pieces should never be subjected to any straightening product, as this intensifies the heat, causing the fiber to melt.
Why isn't my lace completely smooth?
Because it is not finished with the indicated straightener temperature.
Can I make a cut?
Yes, especially if it is a little thin due to falling, cutting helps to vitalize it, increasing the useful life of the human and fiber piece